3 Tips to Stay Sane During the Coronavirus

PUBLISHED 04.06.2020
The Collective Rising |
The coronavirus outbreak has undeniably changed the way people live and work. However, this change doesn’t necessarily have to wreak complete havoc on all aspects of our life. While many of our daily freedoms are temporarily restricted, we each still have control over how we spend our energy.
In an effort to help keep you sane, The Collective Rising has outlined three essential tips to help you get through these challenging times.
Create a new normal.
The rules and restrictions imposed by governments have impacted nearly everyone’s daily routine and business. Instead of resisting these changes and wasting energy on things that are out of your control, proactively focus on creating a “new normal” during this time. Put your focus and energy towards something you can positively impact and influence. By deliberately directing your energy, you will remain productive and feel less anxious.
If you have a partner or roommate, share household responsibilities.
The coronavirus has been particularly draining for women, who often, even in normal times, tend to bear the unequal responsibility of childcare and completing household chores. Delegating household duties is essential – you shouldn’t have to do it all on your own.
Now is the time to strive for balance. Relinquish the need to always have control and for everything to always be perfect. While your partner or roommate may not take care of things the same way you would, accept and appreciate their help. Working as a team will help tedious activities get completed faster and without resentment.
Get fresh air when you can.
Even with social distancing, you can still go outside and get fresh air as long as you adhere to government-mandated protocols. Sitting and staying inside for long periods without a break is not good for your mental and physical health, it can make you feel trapped and claustrophobic. Go for a run or walk when you can. If it’s too cold, sit on your balcony or patio (if you have one), or crack a window.
While the coronavirus has undeniably altered the way we live, we still have many things within our control – our happiness being one of them. By committing to creating a “new normal”, delegating household responsibilities, and getting fresh air any chance possible, you will feel better, happier, and surely more sane.