Copyright © 2025. The Collective Rising. All Rights Reserved.


Founder & Chief Consultant | Ijeoma Consulting LLC

New York, New York


Founder & Chief Consultant | Ijeoma Consulting LLC

New York, New York

How do you define success?

I define success as the convergence of the opportunity, ability, and freedom to live and make choices that inherently build my spirit, strengthen my connection to the world, and expand our collective humanity.

If you could start all over, what would you do differently?

If I could start all over again, I would give myself permission to take more risks earlier in life.

What is one piece of conventional advice you strongly disagree with?

I think that one consistent piece of conventional advice I've always heard espoused is that in order to be great and make an impact in the world you must focus on "doing one thing" or "become an expert in a specific field". It's an unintended limiting concept that may not encourage us to explore all the parts of ourselves and tap into a broader spectrum of our full talents/value. I believe that human beings are amazing creatures and can be individually exceptional in many things. What's more important is to have a vision that is BIGGER than you - and achieving it usually requires you to be more than just one specific thing. I DO believe you must be dedicated in your efforts to make a difference and create something of value in the world, but I don't believe it should limit what you deem as valuable in yourself.

What is a recent accomplishment you are proud of?

2020 was a challenging year for all of us. I believe that in any situation of chaos and what appears to be destabilization, lives opportunity. I'm proud that I put action to that belief and launched a new business - one that reflects important parts of who I am and my lived experience but that has never been at the forefront of my professional career.

What would be the title of your memoir?

My memoir would be titled "Code Switch - The Story of an Unfettered Mosaic Experience"

Image Roxanne Ozoude

The Collective Rising has been acquired by
Entreprenista LLC and Socialfly LLC.

Our digital community has evolved into
The Entreprenista League.

If you would like to secure a membership to The League
at a special price
(only available to friends of The Collective Rising)
please click here.

Please email with any inquiries or questions.

Onwards and Upwards,

Kitty & The Collective Rising Membership Team


The Collective Rising has been acquired by
Entreprenista LLC and Socialfly LLC.

If you would like to get in touch with Kitty, please click here.
Please email or with any inquiries or questions.

Onwards and Upwards,

Kitty & The Collective Rising Membership Team


Copyright © 2025. The Collective Rising. All Rights Reserved.