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Artist | Artist Adriana Jay

Miami, Florida


Artist | Artist Adriana Jay

Miami, Florida

What inspires you?

More than anything, I'm inspired by vulnerability. It's easy to be guarded. It takes courage to be vulnerable. Whether it's someone adventuring off to unknown destinations, leaving their comfort zone behind in pursuit of their wildest dreams, or holding their heart out for the world to see them in their truest, most authentic form, I believe that allowing ourselves to be vulnerable is allowing ourselves to truly live. The greatest stories, the greatest art, the greatest memories? All stem from someone taking a chance, choosing to be vulnerable, and taking a leap of faith. I find it damn inspiring.

What is a recent accomplishment you are proud of?

In 2016, I got my first big break as an artist when I was invited to paint a storefront mural in the art capital of my city. Wynwood in Miami, FL is a thriving artistic district sprawling with murals by some of the world's most renown street artists. I had never painted a mural in my life and I had only recently picked up my paintbrushes a year before after a decade-long hiatus from art. Lots of imposter syndrome later, I produced a mural and it became my crowning achievement. And then, a month ago, after five years honing my craft, I painted over the mural with thick black paint. It was scary to erase my origin story but it was also necessary: I had changed--as an artist, as a person, and this was my way of reminding myself that the best is not behind me. It's ahead of me. And every day I write a new story as a creative, as an entrepreneur, as a person who isn't defined by a single moment in her lifespan but rather the commitment to courage on a daily basis. I created the same mural but with the perspective and techniques of my present-day self. It was liberating!

What is the worst piece of advice you have received?

"If it isn't perfect, it isn't worth it". This advice nearly ruined me. And I grew up hearing it. I'm a recovering perfectionist who nearly suffocated my creative side to death with a desire to be perfect, a desire so strong that it made me afraid to take risks, show up, or be seen at all. These days my mantra is "screw perfect" and I'm more focused on enjoying the process than obsessing over the product.

What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?

I have lived with generalized anxiety disorder since I was four years old. Most people are surprised to learn this because there's a preconceived notion of what mental illness looks like. On the outset, people see that I'm friendly, social, adventurous. I travel to far off destinations, launch exciting projects, throw myself into the unknown. What they don't see is the tremendous behind-the-scenes work I have to do to thrive in those environments to manage my anxieties so it doesn't interfere with my daily life. I'm vocal about my mental health because I want people to see that mental illness isn't always the stereotypical brooding loner. It can be the smiling face, the loudest laugh, the friend to all. Also, I'm open about it because I want people to know that while anxiety disorder is part of me, it doesn't define me.

What makes you feel most fulfilled?

There are three moments where I feel most alive: when I'm exploring, when I'm creating, and when I'm comforting. Traveling helped me find my brave and fuels my imagination. Art is my surrender, it gives me space to let go of control and get lost in the moment. And any time I am able to bring relief, to sooth, to comfort someone in a state of fear, shame or sadness I feel I am living my purpose. I've fused these three great loves by painting women traveling to tell stories of courage. I host monthly outdoor art gatherings for my community where one and all are invited to heal through art and explore their creative side. And as often as possible, I share stories of struggle and of strength, encouraging an exchange of dialogue, to hopefully foster compassion and connection.

Image Adriana Jay

I paint to celebrate diversity, courage, and the pioneering spirit of adventure seekers. As the daughter of immigrants born into a family of aviation professionals and jetsetters, I grew up in the U.S hearing stories about traversing the globe. Sometimes we travel for the love of discovery, sometimes for the pursuit of opportunity, and sometimes out of survival.

The subjects I portray with acrylic paint are often women to illustrate how traveling is an avenue for addressing limitations that keep us bound to a single place¬ —physically, emotionally, and socially. The very act of moving throughout the world challenges gender norms, racial stereotypes, and socioeconomic perceptions. This is why the women in my art are depicted as adventuresses and because I firmly believe representation matters, my paintings celebrate diversity: Black, Muslim, Latinx, Asian, body-positive, neuro-diverse, LGBTQ—all reveling in discovery. They are free, defiant, brave, joyful, independent, and full of hope.

My art is not only a call to action to women to make the world theirs, but also a tribute to those who have pushed boundaries, despite risks and dangers, because their love for a life of depth outweighed their fear of the unfamiliar.

University/College Attended

University of Miami

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Onwards and Upwards,

Kitty & The Collective Rising Membership Team


The Collective Rising has been acquired by
Entreprenista LLC and Socialfly LLC.

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Onwards and Upwards,

Kitty & The Collective Rising Membership Team


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