Meet Christina Richter: Advisory Board Member

PUBLISHED 08.01.2021
The Collective Rising |
Christina Richter is a best-selling Author, Personal Branding Strategist, and Digital Consultant based in Berlin.
After spending ten years working in executive roles in the fields of PR, corporate communications, and social media, Christina branched out as a freelance consultant in 2015 and has since been advising companies and entrepreneurs from all over the world ever since.
Christina also has deep insights into China’s digital economy. On this topic, she has written the non-fiction books “Digital China: Basic Knowledge and Inspiration for Your Business Success in the Far East” and “E-Commerce Trends in China – Social Commerce, Live Streaming or New Retail” She is also co-author of the German bestseller “Zukunftsrepuplik” which translates into the Future Republic and is an outlook into the year 2030.
With Gal Talks Tech, Christina works pro-bono to make women working in tech more visible by sharing their stories on her popular blog,
Christina Richter holds a master’s degree in international information management with a focus on intercultural communication.
From Christina: “I am honored to be a part of The Collective Rising’s advisory board, as I think it is essential to help women connect beyond borders and industry. As women, I think that we have a lot to learn from one another, especially those who live in other parts of the world, and work in different industries.”