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Career coach | Adele Leah - Career Coach & Mentor

Cheshire, United Kingdom


Career coach | Adele Leah - Career Coach & Mentor

Cheshire, United Kingdom

Tell us about a professional goal you have made strides towards this year.

This year I want to continue to help more people find and land a job they love. I want to see my clients continue to develop and have more success stories from happy clients. I also want to continue to develop helpful content to be able to offer more FREE information to people around their job search and career development so I can help more people find career happiness. One of the big goals I have is to develop a Podcast and also get another online course launched,

What do you think is your greatest strength?

I think my greatest strength is helping people uncover what they want in their career and work with them to put a plan in place to make it happen. One of my superpowers is working with people so they can gain clarity and develop their confidence to create a career vision and a plan to make it happen. Working with people to overcome mindset and motivation blocks and rewrite limiting beliefs so they can get the career they want and deserve is a key strength I've been blessed with.

What makes you feel most fulfilled?

When I have helped someone in their career, when one of my clients lands their dream job, when I hear the positive impact the work I do has had on someone's life and career I feel totally fulfilled and love my work. I feel very blessed and thankful I followed my heart. I also feel really fulfilled when I know I've developed a piece of content that offers lots of helpful advice and I know it will give someone some much-needed tips to help them in their career.

What do you want your legacy to be?

I want my legacy to be having made an impact on 100s and 1000's of people careers bringing them more success and fulfilment in their careers and a happier life all round.

Image Adele Leah

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Onwards and Upwards,

Kitty & The Collective Rising Membership Team


The Collective Rising has been acquired by
Entreprenista LLC and Socialfly LLC.

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Onwards and Upwards,

Kitty & The Collective Rising Membership Team


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