Copyright © 2024. The Collective Rising. All Rights Reserved.


Founder | The Sixes

New York, New York


Founder | The Sixes

New York, New York

What advice would you like to share with the next generation?

Dream big, have the courage to go for it and make friends along the way!

What are three traits you are proud to possess?

Empathy, Ambition, Intelligence

What is a rule you try to live by?

To whom much is give, much is required.

What are you most grateful for?

I am most grateful for my community. My friends, family and mentors have pushed me and supported me throughout my life. They've molded me into the person that I am today.

What is the most exciting part of your job?

I love connecting with my customers, tall women who normally have inspiring stories about their journey to self acceptance and love.

University/College Attended

Stanford University

The Collective Rising has been acquired by
Entreprenista LLC and Socialfly LLC.

Our digital community has evolved into
The Entreprenista League.

If you would like to secure a membership to The League
at a special price
(only available to friends of The Collective Rising)
please click here.

Please email with any inquiries or questions.

Onwards and Upwards,

Kitty & The Collective Rising Membership Team


The Collective Rising has been acquired by
Entreprenista LLC and Socialfly LLC.

If you would like to get in touch with Kitty, please click here.
Please email or with any inquiries or questions.

Onwards and Upwards,

Kitty & The Collective Rising Membership Team


Copyright © 2024. The Collective Rising. All Rights Reserved.