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Personal & Professional Coach, and Social Media Consultant | Genuinely Social



Personal & Professional Coach, and Social Media Consultant | Genuinely Social


How do you define success?

Success is about living life completely on my own terms. Being able to not just do work that I love, but to have the time in my days to fully live life and do all the things that contribute to life besides work. I get to design my days and pretty much every single day I wake up happy and thinking "I love my life". To me, that's success.

What advice would you like to share with the next generation?

Don't be afraid to live your own life. That may sound obvious or simple but we spend so much of our younger lives being told what to do and how to do it. Expectations are put on us from such an early age. Take the time to really get to know yourself, your dreams, your desires, your likes and dislikes, your goals - and let those be the things that guide you. Don't be afraid to take a path less traveled if it's a path that calls to you. Also, nobody has it all together, all figured, all the time - literally no one. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there, to try, to fail, reframe your definition of what failure is - see it as part of success.

What is a rule you try to live by?

Don't take time for granted. Life is precious and it truly is so short. No amount of time is guaranteed for any of us. When we get pulled it our day-to-day lives, our schedules, and to-do lists I think this is something we can very quickly lose sight of or forget altogether. I start every day with a gratidue list because I believe in cultivating gratitude as a practice and I find that gratitude helps me to stay present and bring my awareness to all the little beauties and gifts that life provides every single day that I might have otherwise missed if I wasn't in that kind of awareness. So often we strive to create certainty, to feel "in control", but in so many that is largely an illusion. Life is inherently uncertain. Look forward, have goals, be motivated, but never get so hung up living in the past or worrying about the future that you forget to enjoy the present moment.

What do you think is your greatest strength?

My independence and determination. If you had asked me this a few years ago I might not have picked those things out, I couldn't have necessarily even recognized them in myself, but I've come to realize they are truly some of my defining characteristics and my greatest strengths. I think in many ways they go hand in hand, sort of chicken and egg situation, so I chose to share them both here. Collectively, they have helped me get to where I am today and to start truly becoming the person I always wanted to be.

What makes you feel the most empowered?

Living in alignment. It took me a long, long time to even begin to realize who I really was. After spending virtually all of my teen and young adulthood years just trying to fit in I found myself almost completely without a true sense of self. Now that I've begun to truly see who that is I can live more and more in alignment with that, my truth. Living from this place makes me feel incredibly confident, alive, blissful, and empowered.

Image Genevieve Coulson

I’m Genevieve. I’m a coach and mentor currently living a dream come true living and working in my little paradise Mexican beach town. I blend intuitive practices with knowledge and lived-wisdom to enhance the lives of my clients. I love the small things. I am an avid reader and tend to have anywhere from 3-6 books in rotation. I am a Manifestor. I have an interesting astrological chart and while I don’t completely live my life according to the sun, moon, planets, and stars I do look to them for guidance, and always, a reminder of the beauty that surrounds us and is within us. I believe in the power of the body/mind connection and I do my best to take care of both. I love old movies. A dream is to take a month (or three) and have nothing to do but read books, write, and study/practice languages. I deeply believe in doing work that matters and makes a positive difference in the world. I believe in being kind as much and as often as possible.

University/College Attended

University of Iowa; CIMBA

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Onwards and Upwards,

Kitty & The Collective Rising Membership Team


The Collective Rising has been acquired by
Entreprenista LLC and Socialfly LLC.

If you would like to get in touch with Kitty, please click here.
Please email or with any inquiries or questions.

Onwards and Upwards,

Kitty & The Collective Rising Membership Team


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