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Heatherly Grace

Digital Marketing Specialist | little word studio

Birmingham, Alabama

Heatherly Grace

Digital Marketing Specialist | little word studio

Birmingham, Alabama

Tell us about someone that inspires you.

My dad is the most inspiring person I can imagine - past, present and future. I've witnessed him find his calling and pursue his passion after years of searching, which isn't often portrayed as inspiration. His pull towards the military despite their age, education and physical requirements was stronger than any obstacle in his way. He wasn't simply "blessed" with a miraculously cleared path to success, he worked. For years I saw him finish grad school during the day and transform his body at night, all while maintaining a growing family and work requirements for his pre-military service. Because of his dedication, perseverance and grit, he was afforded the opportunities he spent his life dreaming of. A truly selfless dream, which makes him that much more impressive. He now has an amazing career as an Army Chaplain serving men and women in the world's most dangerous places. I think about him every day and will forever have gratitude for the lessons he has taught me.

What are your three best habits?

Honestly, I have a lot of not-so-great habits. Hopefully that's relatable. But I have three great habits I'm pretty proud of. Firstly, I make my bed every morning. There are books and studies and lectures on why making your bed is important, but for me, I just like having one designated place for peace. Secondly, I do some form of exercise every day. Sometimes I give the weight room a full send, and sometimes I just walk down the driveway and back. No matter how intense, I make sure to get my body moving, my mind clear and my heart rate up at some point before I end the day. Lastly, I water my plants and feed my cat on a consistent schedule. Sometimes I think self-care call fall by the wayside. Having other living things rely on me has definitely encouraged me to stay on a schedule of my own. Having dinner with my cat sounds weird and lonely, but I absolutely love spending quality time with her and the reminder to eat is super helpful on busy days.

What is the worst piece of advice you have received?

"Be better." I don't even know if this counts as advice, but this is a statement I hear all the time. I fully support the sentiment and think it's always important to be better than you were yesterday. But for me, if I'm struggling with something or wrestling with a failure, being told to simply "be better" is overwhelming. How? How can I get better? What are the steps I need to take to achieve your desired result? Help me to be better, don't just tell me that's what I need to do. I already know that. When I lead, I try to make a continuous effort to guide clearly and transparency. When I am led, I seek those same qualities. Learning to ask questions has been an amazing help in getting over these hurdles when I run into them. So, to combat that bad advice, my advice is to ask every question you can think of!

What has been one of the largest professional obstacles you have had to overcome?

I am my own biggest obstacle. I tend to run into issues with my feelings and emotions in professional settings. I'm a Cancer, for those of you who abide by astrology. For those who don't, I'm an INFJ-T with an oversized and overly-sensitive heart. Some professional obstacles I've learned to overcome are taking negative feedback, delivering difficult news and having hard conversations. Removing personal feelings from business decisions has been a tough journey to navigate, always teetering between wanting to be an icy #girlboss and wanting to be authentically empathetic. I'm much better now at keeping my cool in the office and understanding that the world isn't out to get me, the world is out to help me grow.

What makes you feel the most empowered?

I feel the most empowered when I accomplish goals. Whether they’re big or small, business or personal, years in the making or a sudden daydream, passing a milestone makes me feel like I can conquer the world. Sometimes, I’ll hit a new PR at the gym and I feel empowered to take a new initiative with a client. Sometimes, I make an extraordinarily delicious cup of coffee and feel empowered to deep clean my house. Sometimes, I’ll earn a new certification or promotion and feel empowered to take a trip somewhere I’ve always wanted to go. Getting things done empowers me to get more things done, giving me this potent air of confidence I can breathe into everything I do. The most satisfying thing about that is how my own successes empower me to achieve more. Self-sufficiency and independence are amazing powers to harness.

Image Heatherly Grace Shepherd

The Collective Rising has been acquired by
Entreprenista LLC and Socialfly LLC.

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Onwards and Upwards,

Kitty & The Collective Rising Membership Team


The Collective Rising has been acquired by
Entreprenista LLC and Socialfly LLC.

If you would like to get in touch with Kitty, please click here.
Please email or with any inquiries or questions.

Onwards and Upwards,

Kitty & The Collective Rising Membership Team


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