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Career Strategist | Ride The Tide Collective

Salt Lake City, Utah


Career Strategist | Ride The Tide Collective

Salt Lake City, Utah

How do you define success?

Success is subjective. I used to define success by a paycheck and a title. After losing my parents and having my son all within a 2-year span, my definition of success shifted. Success for me is doing work I love while also balancing time for my family and my mental health. I measure my success on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis. I set goals - personal and professional - and do my best to create an environment that allows me to achieve those goals.

If you could start all over, what would you do differently?

Nothing. Every experience I have had up to this point has made me the person I am today - good and bad. I was in a toxic environment for many years and sometimes I wish I would have seen the signs to seek help, but I learned so much about myself during that time that I don't think I would be as driven to do the work I do now in my business. I have a BA in Art and Graphic Design and sometimes people ask me if I regret it since I don't do that work anymore and the truth is, I do this work every day. Because of my art and graphic design background, I was able to do all the branding for my business and I still design all the print and digital content. Sometimes the experiences you wish you could change end up being the reason you are successful.

What is the worst piece of advice you have received?

I had a mentor who told me to stay in a position because changes were coming, but he couldn't tell me about the changes. Turns out, the changes were worse than the original situation. I was ready to move on from that position and while that experience has made me who I am today, I should have listened to my gut. Since then, I have been very intentional about who I listen to and who is in my circle. I also advise my clients to be cautious about who they take advice from in their circle. That "mentor" wanted me to stay because I was ambitious and productive with a lot of strategic ideas - mental health be damned. When dealing with mentors you need to be aware of their agenda and experience. Some can hold you back unintentionally, some will help you soar, and some might be in it for themselves. Be judicious.

What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?

I am an introvert. If people see me speak, listen to my podcast, or have a session with me they never suspect that I am an introvert. What people don't see is the time I spend alone - as much as I can with a toddler - to reenergize and pump myself up for the work I do. Funny enough, I have the most energy after a coaching and strategy session because I am energized working with ambitious and driven professionals - they inspire me.

What is your secret to staying motivated?

Clear goals. Rest. Creativity. The right clients. Because I own my own business if my goals don't motivate me then I need to modify the goals or dig into why. Learning to rest has been significant for me and continues to fuel my motivation because it gives my brain space to breathe. I am a creative at heart and having a creative outlet helps me be creative in my business, which leads to motivation. Coaching the right clients has been a game-changer for my motivation in my business. In previous roles, I wasn't able to choose clients, but now I can. If I'm not a good fit, I'm honest about it and will help you find a better fit. The clients that work well with me have great success both personally and professionally because we align.

Image Julia Toothacre

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Onwards and Upwards,

Kitty & The Collective Rising Membership Team


The Collective Rising has been acquired by
Entreprenista LLC and Socialfly LLC.

If you would like to get in touch with Kitty, please click here.
Please email or with any inquiries or questions.

Onwards and Upwards,

Kitty & The Collective Rising Membership Team


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