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Functional Support Specialist | Point Group Marketing Services Partner

Johannesburg, South Africa


Functional Support Specialist | Point Group Marketing Services Partner

Johannesburg, South Africa

Do you ever find that there are things about you people misunderstand? If so, what are they?

People don't understand how someone can show me their true colours and I can still be kind and selfless toward them. They just don't understand the way of life I try to live.

How do you define success?

Being rich in love and happy with what you're doing and where you're at in your life.

What are your career aspirations?

I would love to enter a digital marketing Jr position this year. Probably stay in it for about 2 or 3 years, while I work on an NPO idea of mine and then enter a senior digital marketing role.

What are you most passionate about?

I am all about people being exactly who they are. Being authentic is something so hard to come by. Just breaking the norms and trying to show people that they really don't need to hide behind a mask.

What is the biggest challenge you currently face in your career?

I am a woman of colour and the fact that I had to work really hard to get an internship that wasn't even in my field of work was hard. I think not many people are willing to take a chance on someone even if they have the academic background for it.

The Collective Rising has been acquired by
Entreprenista LLC and Socialfly LLC.

Our digital community has evolved into
The Entreprenista League.

If you would like to secure a membership to The League
at a special price
(only available to friends of The Collective Rising)
please click here.

Please email with any inquiries or questions.

Onwards and Upwards,

Kitty & The Collective Rising Membership Team


The Collective Rising has been acquired by
Entreprenista LLC and Socialfly LLC.

If you would like to get in touch with Kitty, please click here.
Please email or with any inquiries or questions.

Onwards and Upwards,

Kitty & The Collective Rising Membership Team


Copyright © 2024. The Collective Rising. All Rights Reserved.