Copyright © 2024. The Collective Rising. All Rights Reserved.


Photographer & Art Director | Sarah Moussa

Brooklyn, New York


Photographer & Art Director | Sarah Moussa

Brooklyn, New York

What advice would you like to share with the next generation?

There is nothing worse than regret. If you never try, you'll never know.

What are your three best habits?

Waking up early. Meditation. Yoga.

What makes you feel most fulfilled?

Creatively match the vision of a client and see his/her satisfaction at the end of a project.

What inspires you?

People. People creating beautiful things. Beautiful spaces. Travel in new cities / countries.

What was the hardest decision you ever had to make?

Leave my hometown in France to start a new life in NYC.

Image Sarah Moussa
University/College Attended

Ecole Supérieure de Publicité - Paris (School of Advertising)

The Collective Rising has been acquired by
Entreprenista LLC and Socialfly LLC.

Our digital community has evolved into
The Entreprenista League.

If you would like to secure a membership to The League
at a special price
(only available to friends of The Collective Rising)
please click here.

Please email with any inquiries or questions.

Onwards and Upwards,

Kitty & The Collective Rising Membership Team


The Collective Rising has been acquired by
Entreprenista LLC and Socialfly LLC.

If you would like to get in touch with Kitty, please click here.
Please email or with any inquiries or questions.

Onwards and Upwards,

Kitty & The Collective Rising Membership Team


Copyright © 2024. The Collective Rising. All Rights Reserved.