How do you define success?
My definition of success has changed over the years -- with every year that passes, I feel like it changes just a little more. Before, it used to be what my parents considered the "American dream": a big house, 6-figure salary, a nice car, and to be married with kids by 30 years old.
But now that I've gotten older, I've realized that definition of success didn't serve me. Success, to me, is the ability to cultivate a sense of contentment, and even joy, with my daily life. It means living without regrets, taking care of the people I love the most, and feeling financially secure. It means doing fulfilling work, helping other people improve their quality of life, meeting inspiring and interesting people. Success means I'm able to work hard but also indulge in my passions, such as dance, and take time for rest and relaxation. It means leaving the world slightly better than I found it. It means building strong relationships, investing in myself, and exploring the world. Success is being a leader, a listener, and a lifelong learner.
In all, I'd consider myself successful if I can look back in my life and feel confident that I did everything I wanted to do, that I valued the people in my life (and that they felt valued), and that I enjoyed it the best I could.