How to Build Your Personal Brand as an Introvert

PUBLISHED 02.03.2020
The Collective Rising |
Have you been told that you are “the quiet type?” Do you dread having to raise your hand in class or having to speak up during a meeting – not because you don’t have the skills or knowledge, but simply because you don’t like the attention? Do you feel a rush of nerves and anxiety creep up anytime all eyes are on you? If so, you’re probably an introvert, and the concept of sharing information about yourself online likely does not appeal to you. However, having a visible personal brand is necessary in today’s world. People need to be able to find out information about who you are, what you have done, what you stand for, and what you do if you are looking to excel professionally.
There is nothing wrong with being an introvert; it just means that you interact with the world in a more reserved way. Introverts gain energy from internal sources, such as their thoughts and ideas, while in contrast, extroverts gain energy by partaking in social activities and being surrounded by groups of people.
At The Collective Rising, we want all introverts to know that they have the power to legitimize their voice on their terms – without having to overshare or shamelessly self-promote. We have compiled some personal branding tips (created especially for introverts) to help you make the process of establishing and strengthening your personal brand less daunting.
Be intentional about what you share and where you share it.
Start by updating your profile on The Collective Rising. Ensure you are putting your best foot forward online by selecting to answer questions that align with your professional objectives.
Now, let’s move on to social media. Social media is an essential and powerful tool to harness when it comes to establishing and strengthening your personal brand. However, it can often be anxiety-provoking. Start by ensuring that you have secured your name as a handle across all social platforms. Then, go onto each account and ensure that all your information is up-to-date. Even if you don’t want to be active on all these platforms, it is essential not to have outdated information visible, as it makes you appear as though you are “not in the know.”
Consider joining a LinkedIn group and participating in discussions relevant to your industry. You don’t have to dedicate a lot of time to this, aim to check the platform twice a week for 15 minutes. Following these steps outlined above will reinforce your qualifications to audiences that matter.
Push yourself to have meaningful interactions.
Many introverts prefer having one-on-one conversations rather than having to “work a room.” While we don’t want to pressure you into thinking that you need to be the center of attention to foster a solid reputation, investing time in having meaningful interactions is worthwhile.
Set goals for yourself. You don’t have to say hello to every person at the next networking event you attend, but do attend that event (and bring business cards). Make it your goal to introduce yourself to three people and pass along your card. Commit to getting coffee with whoever follows-up. The Collective Rising encourages its members to take a quality-over-quantity approach towards establishing a personal brand and forging connections. By going about networking this way, you will likely end up with a stronger personal brand (and surely a more beneficial and personally-connected network) than people who buzz around events and engage in seemingly never-ending small talk.
Don’t make assumptions and manage your expectations.
As you begin to establish your personal brand, it is crucial to manage your expectations. At The Collective Rising we believe a woman’s worth, impact and influence is not determined by the number of followers she has or the number of likes she gets. While it is of course, important to be mindful of how people engage and respond to the content you share, don’t panic if you aren’t getting hundreds of comments or likes on your content. To create a meaningful online presence that others invest time in engaging with, understand that it takes time, consistency, and dedication on your end.
Being introverted doesn’t mean there is anything you need to change about yourself or overcome to have a successful personal brand. Authentically share your interests, achievements, and personality while following the tips outlined above, and you will be well on your way to having an exceptional and visible personal brand that will help you reach your professional goals.
If you’re interested in learning more about how you can establish and strengthen your personal brand, please visit our Join Us page to learn more about The Collective Rising’s membership offerings.