Why Personal Branding Matters … Especially During a pandemic

PUBLISHED 11.30.2020
The Collective Rising |
The Covid-19 pandemic has undeniably wrecked havoc on us all. Many people have lost their jobs, loved ones, and have had their personal and professional lives turned upside down.
Reports of depression and anxiety are at an all-time high. It is undeniable – humanity as a whole is feeling a bit low. Rather than “feeding” these feelings of helplessness about things that are beyond our control, The Collective Rising aims to encourage our members and community to think BIG picture and begin to take small steps, and develop healthy personal branding practices that will enable them to “come out on top” at the end of this pandemic.
To begin, you must fully comprehend the power of personal branding. Unfortunately, many people do not understand the power of personal branding. Your personal brand is not just another tool for self-promotion, it is what defines who you are, what you stand for, and persuades others to listen to you. An authentic personal brand empowers you to understand yourself, and it is what makes you unique and stand out from others.
While many of us were raised hearing the quote, “don’t judge a book by its cover,“ that is unfortunately not how the world works these days. Many people, especially during the time of Covid-19, make snap judgments about others and will quickly decide if they want to learn more about you or whether they rather just dismiss you based on what they can find out about you online.
Your personal brand is what adds credibility to you and helps others to trust you. Your personal brand lends you your expertise. An authentic and strong personal brand increases your chances of success in your professional life. Once you have cemented who you are authentically and have it clear what you stand for, you will be surprised at how quickly you receive a new boost of positivity energy, and how inspiration and new opportunities seem to appear instantaneously.
If you haven’t given much thought to your personal brand, you can begin by asking yourself these four basic branding questions.
- Who am I?
- What do I stand for?
- What are my values?
- How am I communicating my values to others?
If you are in an area that is experiencing lockdown restrictions as a result of Covid-19, make the most of the extra time at a time by investing in establishing and strengthening your personal brand. In these uncertain times, the best way you can protect your future is by increasing your visibility and making sure you have an authoritative, and strong personal brand that is visible online.
A strong and personal brand can leverage you to new levels of success, however, a weak personal brand can have the complete opposite effect and can act as a professional roadblock as you begin to seek opportunities for professional growth and advancement throughout this year.
The Collective Rising encourages you to invest in yourself to get a head start on creating a strong and authoritative personal brand today. If you self-identify as a woman and want help establishing a visible personal brand online, we encourage you to request an invitation to join our community.