July 2021 | Member Features

PUBLISHED 07.31.2021
The Collective Rising |
Meet Holly Forsyth, Account Executive at WorkHound.
Where are you located?
Norman, OK
Tell us about what you do professionally?
I use the knowledge I had previously acquired when working in trucking to help companies solve their retention and communication issues. I enjoy problem-solving and coming up with out-of-the-box to help companies retain their best employees.
Describe your personal brand.
- Humble
- Energetic
- Quirky
Tell us about a recent experience that has sparked growth, new insight, or played a role in your professional development?
In 2020, I originally planned on leveling up in my HR career, yet in true 2020 fashion, I hit many roadblocks and fell way off what I thought was my intended path. Instead of getting disgruntled, I decided to look at 2021 as the year of redirection. I am working in a new line of work, and have been achieving great success!
How can our members and readers get in touch with you?
Email and Instagram are the best ways to reach me. My email address is holly.jaa.forsyth@gmail.com and my Instagram handle is @barelybalancedlife.
View Holly’s profile on The Collective Rising.
Meet Joyce Connor, Freelance Makeup Artist, at Joyce Connor MakeUp.
Where are you located?
Reading, UK
Tell us about what you do professionally?
I am a professional makeup artist for fashion and commercials shoots, as well as weddings. I do makeup on women of all ages and skin tones. I also teach makeup to consumers and professionals.
What is a recent obstacle you have faced professionally? What steps are you taking, or did you take, to overcome this obstacle?
The COVID-19 pandemic extremely affected my business. Overnight, I made the choice to take my business online. I started running online skincare and makeup events and masterclasses, which, have been very fun and successful.
Describe your personal brand.
- Passionate
- Professional
- Diverse..
How can our members and readers get in touch with you?
Email is the best way to reach me. My email address is info@joyceconnormakeup.co.uk.
View Joyce’s profile on The Collective Rising
Meet Julie Skarwecki of Julie Skarwecki Consulting.
Where are you located?
Richmond, Virginia
Tell us about what you do professionally?
I help commercial and editorial photographers grow their businesses through improved marketing and brand messaging.
Describe your personal brand.
- Relatable
- Simple
- Fun
Share a piece of advice or a lesson you wished you learned earlier in your career.
Everyone has to start somewhere. Know that it is okay to start at the bottom, and make learning and growing your main priorities. Making mistakes early on will teach you so much more than waiting until you think you are “ready” to take a risk.
How can our members and readers get in touch with you?
Email is the best way to reach me. My email address is julie@julieskarwecki.com.
View Julie’s profile on The Collective Rising.
Meet Heather Helton, Certified Nurse Midwife at A Modern Midwife.
Where are you located?
Raleigh, NC
Tell us about what you do professionally?
I provide healthcare to all people with a vagina throughout their lifespan. As women, our needs change throughout our lifespan. From answering questions surrounding contraception to providing insight on childbirth, I empower women through education to support their bodies.
Describe your personal brand.
- Authentic
- Empowering
- Compassionate
Tell us about a recent experience that has sparked growth, new insight, or played a role in your professional development?
Social media unfortunately circulates so much misinformation regarding our reproductive health. People have a desire to learn about how to care for their bodies, and I feel compelled to educate them with real facts, so that they can be authentically empowered to care for their bodies.
View Heather’s profile on The Collective Rising.
How can our members and readers get in touch with you?
Instagram is the best way to reach me. My Instagram handle is @amodernmidwife.
Meet Renee Coakley of Hey Renee Ashley.
Where are you located?
Charlotte, NC
Tell us about what you do professionally?
I teach women how to make “health a lifestyle” through nutrition, having a positive mindset, and by providing education resources.
Describe your personal brand.
- Transparent
- Liberated
- Impactful
Tell us about a recent experience that has sparked growth, new insight, or played a role in your professional development?
Going back to school to increase my education as a Nutritional Therapy Practioner was the best decision I ever made. Not only did I elevate my knowledge, but I now feel better equipped to support other women on their health journey and their road to living their healthiest life.
View Renee’s profile on The Collective Rising.
How can our members and readers get in touch with you?
Email and Instagram are the best way to reach me. My email address is hello@heyreneeashley.com and my Instagram handle is @heyreneeashley.